Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Kesilapan Pemancing Yang Perlu Prihatin

Memancing adalah aktiviti outdoor yang memang diminati ramai. Selain memancing, pemancing juga dapat menikmati suasana luar yang menenangkan and meluangkan masa bersama kawan-kawan. Ia adalah hasrat setiap pemancing untuk menaikkan jumlah ikan yang seberapa banyak yang boleh dalam setiap seisi. Tapi banyak kali trip mancing menjadi "kumpaw" (tiada rezeki). Berikut adalah beberapa kesilapan yang mungkin pemancing tidak sedar atau tahu kenapa tidak berjaya menaikkan ikan.

Menggunakan saiz mata kail yang tidak sesuai
Pemancing harus mempertimbangkan saiz mata kail dengan jenis spesies
ikan yang dipancing. Jika spesies ikan yang dipancing mempunyai mulut yang
kecil maka mata kail yang dipakai kecil.

Tidak menukar tali pancing
Sentiasa memeriksa tali pancing dan tukar tali baru. Tali baru juga membolehkan
casting yang lebih sempurna dan kurang kusut.

Tidak mencuba idea baru
Jika cara mancing kini tidak menjadi, patutlah kita mencuba idea yang baru.

Menggunakan mata kail yang tumpul
Memang ada masa kita tidak memeriksa mata kail yang kita pakai. Sampai
tempat mancing saja sudah tidak sabar untuk mancing.

Waktu yang tidak sesuai
Ikan akan mencari pelindungan pada waktu tengahari yang panas terik dan
akan berasa di air yang lebih dalam dan menyejukkan. Masa yang paling
baik untuk mancing ialah waktu pagi atau petang sebelum matahari terbit
atau benam.


Ikut kami di facebook, google, instagram!!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Types of Fishing Reels.

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When it comes to fishing reels, anglers are spoilt with choices! There are 6 main types of fishing reels out there. Each type has it's own uniqueness.

 Spincast Reel

 Spincast reel is the easiest to use among the 6 types. Its mechanics are super simple and require little effort. This reel is great for beginner or casual angler as it is easy to use.

Pic 1: Spincast Reel

The Spincast reel sits on top of the fishing rod and casting rod with a trigger grip at the bottom. The spincast reel is also suitable for anglers who want to learn using the baitcaster the easy as it wont have any backlash if you cast too hard or when your casting technique is wrong. That way, baitcast anglers can focus more on their technique to practise baitcasting. With just a flick on the thumb buttom, anglers can easily cast out their line and enjoy fishing the whole day.

Benefits of Spincast Reel
-Easy to use

Drawbacks of Spincast Reel
The spool inside is typically shallow, allowing for lighter and less test line. The Reel is aimed at targeting small fish, much larger fish can cause damage. Parts are not as durable and accuracy is lacking. Additionally, the gears are either cast metal or white plastic and prone to break over prolonged use.

Spinning Reel

A spinning reel is probably the most popular type of fishing rod among anglers. This reel is situated on the bottom of the rod, or blank, whereas the spincast reel and others sit on top. You can tell a spinning reel rod by the larger sized guides. Spinning reel is a popular choice as it is easy to use and have enough drag and gear power to land larger fish.

Pic 2: Spinning Reel

Typical size range for spinning reel: 50, 100, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 all the way to size 10,000.

Certain size range cater for different style of fishing. For example size  50- 1000 is probably good for ultralight fishing. 

Benefits of Spinning Reel
All around versatility is the biggest reason people choose spinning reels. They can be used to cast many different types of tackle, including artificial lures and live bait. Because they only need to pull the weight of the fishing line, spinning reels are especially useful for light tackle and bait. Also, spinning reels gives you a more solid construction than the spincast reel, while also giving you more options for the line to use. This reel is ideal for all kinds of fishing from ice fishing to jigging. 

Drawbacks of Spinning Reel

Spinning reels anglers might find some styles of fishing like pitching, flipping and sidecast are harder to execute.

Baitcaster Reel

Baitcasters, also known as the conventional reel, are advanced reels for more experienced anglers who want better control and accuracy. More experienced anglers will use baitcasters for better cast accuracy and certain techniques like pitching, flipping are easier to perform with. With a baitcaster, the spool rotates as you cast. These types of reels require experience and skill, often requiring a full season of practice before they can be used effectively. Baitcaster are the standard for professional bass anglers especially those in the Bass Master series.


Advantages of baitcasting reels are control and accuracy.  Baitcasting reels can handle much heavier, much stronger forms of line. This is necessary when you fish thick cover or are targeting monster fish.


Patience is needed if you want to use baitcaster effectively. Operating a baitcaster is difficult as you control the release of the line with your thumb. Making casting a very manual process, anglers must master how much pressure to apply on the spool or they will face backlash on the spool which almost always ends with nasty knots that will need to be untied. It requires practise and the right technique to make a successful cast! However as you begin to master it, most anglers will develop a liking to using a baitcaster. 

Pic 3: Baitcaster

Trolling/Overhead Reel

The bigger type of round conventional reel which sometimes is called the Overheads reel are used for deep sea fishing and trolling. Similar in design to baitcasting reels, trolling reels take on a more rounded profile allowing more room for the line but are not meant for casting.Trolling reels are designed for big freshwater fish, like large lake trout, catfish, walleye, musky, salmon as well as saltwater giants like marlin.

Pic 4: Trolling Reel


Allows you to fish a larger area quickly and at various depths to find the strike zone for large freshwater fish and big game fish.


Like baitcasting reels, this is for more experience Anglers with an increased price point.

Electric Reel

The main use for electric reel is mainly for deepsea fishing.  If you consistently reel in weighted line, your hands and arms may be tired by the time you catch a large fish. By using electric reel, you save the energy you expend on pulling in empty weighted line for when there's a fish on the end of the line. A car battery (12v or 24v) is attached with power cables to the electric reel to power it. However, the reel can be usu manually without power. Nowadays, smaller electric reel and battery is available to be use for jigging. 

Pic 5: Electric Reel

Benefit of Electric Reel

Reduces tiredness as the electric reel can help you reel in your catch or empty weighted line.

Drawback of Electric Reel

Expensive and heavy

Fly reel

fly reel's main function is to hold the fly line, which is wound around a rotating spool within the reel housing. Line is stripped from the reel by hand and retrieved by turning a small handle attached to the spool. 

Pic 6: Fly Reel

Benefit of Fly Reel

It is able to cast small fly across a good distance with its weighted line.

Drawback of Fly Reel

Fly fishing need a wide space to cast its weighted line and might not be suitable to use in certain terrain.

So generally there are 6 types of reels which cater for anglers worldwide. Which type of reel use is generally depend on the fishing location (eg deep sea fishing usually go for trolling or electric reel). I hope this article can help anglers (old and new) to have a general view on reels available for fishing. 

For what's new in our store visit us here or follow us on facebook

Thanks for reading and tight lines!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Perkara yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum membeli kekili pancing. Things to consider before buying a spinning reel.

Bagi setiap pemancing baru atau lama, soalan yang selalu ditanya pada rakan-rakan pancing seperti "Bro, kekili jenama XXX, model XXX bagus ke?".  Soalan begini kadangkala susah dijawab dengan jawapan ya atau tidak sahaja. Tujuan post ini diharap boleh memberi sedikit sebanyak pandangan tentang ciri-ciri kekili pancing yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh setiap kaki pemancing sebelum membuat keputusan untuk membeli kekili pancing yang di idamkan.

Bagaimanakah kita boleh membuat perbandingan antara kekili jenama X dan Y? Setiap kekili mempunyai ciri-ciri (specs) yang boleh dibandingkan tapi sebelum itu kita kena la tentukan bajet dulu! Jangan bandingkan kekili yang bernilai rm 200 dgn rm 2000! Jauh bezanya!! Hahaha! Lepas pegang kekili yang mahal memang hati terikat la!

  • Lokasi memancing dan saiz kekili 
Secara am, jikalau kekili digunakan untuk memancing:

kolam air tawar - saiz yang sesuai adalah saiz 500 - 4000. 
empangan/tasik - saiz 1000-4000.
Laut - 4000 ke atas

  • Saiz Spool
Biasanya pemancing tempatan lebih suka saiz spool yang dalam bagi menampung tali yang lebih banyak. Kekili yang dipilih sekurang-kurangnya boleh memuatkan 100m ke atas ke dalam spool kekili. 

  • Jumlah bearing
Bearing memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pergerakan setiap kekili. Bearing diperlukan untuk menghasilkan buaian (spin) pada kekili. Bearing bertanggungjawab untuk pergerakan halus (smooth) kekili. Lebih banyak bearing, lebih halus pergerakan kekili semasa mengarau kekili.

  • Ketahanan dan Berat Badan
Keberatan dan ketahanan kekili bergantung pada bahan yang digunakan. Kebanyakan kekili di pasaran diperbuat daripada magnesium, karbon, aluminium, besi atau plastik. Jika hendak kekili yang tahan lebih lama, pilihan buatan dari bahan aluminium atau besi adalah yang paling tahan tetapi ia lebih berat.  

  • Nisbah Gear
Nisbah gear memainkan peranan betapi cepat and senang setiap karauan kekili. Contoh, apakah maksud jika kekili mempunyai nisbah 6.0:1? Ia bermaksud spool kekili akan memusing 6.0 kali bagi setiap pusingan pemegang kekili. Nisbah 6.0 ke bawah dikira nisbah yang perlahan tetapi ia adalah power gear.

  • Sistem Drag
Drag merujuk kepada jumlah rintangan/kekuatan kekili sebelum tangkapan anda berjaya menarik tali keluar.

Pemancing harus membuat setting yang optimum dan bukan pada maksimum. Drag maksimum akan menyebabkan tali putus atau mata kail menjadi lurus atau patah dan paling sakit hati joran patah!

Terdapat 2 sistem drag kekili spinning: Front drag dan Rear drag. Sesetengah jenama merujuk Rear drag sebagai model Live Liner. Adalah berbaloi memilih kekili yang berkualiti dengan sistem drag yang baik. Kualiti drag akan melancarkan tali pancing keluar apabila ikan membuat "larian" manakala sistem drag yang kurang berkualiti akan menyebabkan tali kekili keluar dalam "jerky motion" dan mungkin boleh meyebabkan tali mancing putus. 

Setiap kekili berjenama akan memaparkan spec model di kotak kekili. Informasi di kotak akan memberitahu lebih banyak maklumat tentang kekili itu. Jika masih ragu lagi, datanglah ke kedai pancing kami untuk melihat sendiri kekili yang digemari. Staf kedai kami sedia membantu. Jom!!

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Contoh informasi yang boleh didapati di kotak kekili

Things to consider before buying a spinning reel.

For new or old fishing kakis, questions like "Bro, brand XXX, model XXX good?". This question is sometimes difficult to answer with a simple yes or no answer. The purpose of this post is to provide some insight into the characteristics of the fishing rods that should be taken into account before making a decision to buy the desired fishing reel.

What are the thing that should be considered when comparing Brand X to Brand Y?Each reel has specs that can be compared but before that we have to determine our budget first! Do not compare reels worth rm200 to a rm 2000 reel! Definitely a more expensive reel will have better specs and "feel". Compare reels within a close price range would be a better comparison.

  • Fishing location and reel size

In general, if reels are used for fishing:

The freshwater pond - the ideal size is 500 - 4000.

dam / lake - size 1000-4000

Sea - size 4000 and above

  • Spool Size

Usually local anglers prefer deep spool size to accommodate more fishing line. The selected reel can at least hold up 100m in the reel spool.

  • Number of bearings

Bearing plays an important role in the movement of each reel. Bearing is required to produce a spin on the reel. Bearing is responsible for the smooth movement of the reel. The more bearings a reel has, the smoother the reel is during retrieval and movement of the reel.

  • Durability and Weight

The durability and weight of the reel depends on the material being used. Most reels on the market are made of steel, magnesium, carbon, aluminum, iron or plastic. For a more durable reel, go for reel that is made of steel or aluminium but it is more heavy in weight. It might not be suitable for casting.

  • Gear Ratios

Gear ratios will affect how fast and how easy to reel in a fish.For example what does it mean if a reel has a gear ratio of say 6.0:1? It means the spool will turn 6.0 times per handle turn. A ratio of 6.0:1 or less is consider slow but power gear.  

  • Drag system
Drag refers to the amount of resistance a reel can take before your catch will manage to pull your line off your reel.

Optimal drag setting should be use instead of adjusting your reel to max drag.  Max drag will cause your line to snap or hook break and worse break your rod due to excessive force. 

There are 2 main style drag system: front and rear drag. These drag systems is applicable to spinning reels only. Rear drag is sometimes refer to Live Liner model in some brands. It’s worth spending a little more to get a reel with a quality reel with a good drag system. A quality drag will let line out smoothly and quietly when the fish is making a run whereas a cheap drag system will let the line out in a “jerky” fashion and possibly allowing your fishing line to snap. 

Each branded reel will display the spec model in the reel box. Information in the box will provide more information about the reel. If you're still in doubt, come to our fishing shop to see your own favorite reel. Our store staff are available to help you choose a suitable one. Jom !!

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